
Nicknames: Kay

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Personality: Kayla... tries. She tries very, very hard, but she doesn't always manage her goals. In fact, more often than not, she fails at them, though this is not exactly out of lack of trying, interest or actual skill. Kayla's worst enemy is, in fact, her own inability to believe in herself. That, and the fact she gets extremely nervous under stress, which often time leads to her stumbling, which in turn fuels her lack of self esteme, which in turn fuels her stress; it's a vicious circle she has trouble breaking. This does not mean she's depressed or otherwise sad, but it does make her socially awkward and hard to get along with at first. All in all though, she seems to florish when she's amogst friends, those she trust or simply alone; the tasks she has trouble performing in public become simple and thus, really, all she needs is someone to ground and calm her along the way. She's not so much shy as slightly introverted; she has trouble when there's large groups of people and tends to prefer solitude or the company of close friends. When in their company, she actually relaxes, and can, in fact, be quite fun. Despite all this, she does, in fact, trust easily, and has no trouble actually getting to know people, if they make the effort to be with her and though she comes off as serious, cold and probably a bit like a stick in the mud, she can take a joke and knows when it's time to laugh at said jokes. Hard working and very rarely gives up; even while faced with failure, she's perseverant and will get up on the horse time and time again until she succeeds.

Personality in few words: Introvert, loyal, hard working, sweet.

She weilds a rather huge battle axe which... technically should be beyond her capacity to, given her relative size. Despite that, she's able to weild it with perfect ease (due to the axe being magical in nature).

Notes: She has two usual clothes 'sets'. Her battle uniform and her normal street clothes, both of which can be seen here. She also has a third set of clothes that can be seen here, though these are more formal wear for special events, and are not used for fights or for walking around in casual manner.


December: Kayla's axe. Yeah. It's that kind of rp. Think of December here like... Soul Eater, really. He's capable of keeping a human form, or his weapon form and is pretty much Kayla's battle partner. Where she easily panics and sucumbs to stress, Ember here is calm and almost like a rock to her. Where she has no trouble opening herself up to him, he has trouble with that, and needs coaxing. They complete and balance eachother out. He's got a dark sense of humor and doesn't seem keen on forming lasting bonds with most people. He doesn't trust with ease and usually remains emotionally detatched from most situations. How or why he gets along with Kayla is probably a bit of a mistery to the world around them. He's quite a bit taller than her, and though not muscular, he's firm (think of his human form sort of reflecting his melee axe form in that sense).

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